Category: Goals

  • Opportunities to Act on Goals

    or How I Tamed my Morning Glories and Made my Garden Flourish More musings on Succeed: How We Can Reach Our Goals by Heidi Grant Halvorson I have often felt that I just didn’t have time to achieve my goals.  Partly because I have lofty and numerous dreams, and also because of what I have…

  • Goals – what it takes to JUST DO IT!

    In my last post I talked about the thrill of finally doing something I’d wanted to do for years, and introduced Heidi Halvorson’s book Succeed as part of why I was able to do this.  Today I’m sharing some of the concepts, hoping that you can use some of these treasures to get yourself where…

  • Goals – the journey to finally JUST DOING IT!!

    “Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task. ~ William James   I have this quote on my To Do List every day.  Sometimes I pay attention, sometimes not so much. Today I’m paying attention.  Today I’m celebrating because I’m working on a task uncompleted for two years: I AM…