STRENGTH TO SUCCEED Professional Development Group

Here’s your chance to practice using your strengths to achieve your goals in the safety and warmth of a small coaching group:

  •  grow your business
  • get organized
  • increase your clarity and focus
  • gain expertise in the application of strengths that you can use with your clients as well as yourself.

I have a few spots left in my new Strength to Succeed group and I’d like to offer them to my MentorCoach friends and colleagues.  Here’s your chance to advance your Positive Psychology learning with specific plans, challenges met, and increased confidence in identifying and utilizing strengths.

Studies show using your authentic strengths results in increased productivity, greater sense of well-being, increased creativity — more success and happiness!  You can harness this power for yourself, and become expert at helping your clients do the same.

How much more valuable will you be as a coach with this as part of your repertoire?

You can use your strengths to

  • develop and enhance your niche
  • employ marketing strategies
  • organize your practice (and the rest of your life!)

The opportunity to apply cutting-edge strengths research to your goals every session while gaining proficiency you can employ with your clients – under the guidance of a Positive Psychology certified coach – is worth many hundreds of dollars. 

For a limited time, I’m offering this 4-week group to you for the professional courtesy rate of only $77!

I want to keep the group small for maximum benefit to the participants, so grab your spot today.

Click here to sign up

Bonus: those who know me also know you can expect lots of fun and building a warm connection with all of us in the group!

Grow as a coach, improve your understanding and application of strengths, meet personal challenges, and increase your own happiness.

Do you want:

  • To experience personally how Positive Psychology and strength-based coaching can help change your life?
  • First-hand practice guided by an experienced, certified coach with years of Positive Psychology expertise?
  • Insight and coaching around issues with organization, for yourself and/or your clients?

This 4-week group will give you that and more.

Click here to sign up

What we’ll do:

          In each session, I’ll share learning from Positive Psychology research and practice.

          In each session, we’ll address your goals and issues, explore techniques and skills to help you achieve your goals, and hold you accountable for prior agreements.

          We’ll also employ other strategies to increase your learning, expertise, and progress, including guided imagery, specific Positive Psychology interventions, optional outside reading, and more.

Click here to sign up

You will get:

  • a personalized, color-graph of your strengths you can use daily to reinforce your new – habits & vision
  • handouts on the learning covered in each session
  • personal, individualized coaching in a group setting
  • first-hand experience with a group – witness as a model for your own practice
  • email communication

Learn to use positive psychology in organizing ~ Explore my approach and
practice strategies to help yourself and your clients more effortlessly,
naturally, and joyfully get and stay organized.

Get coaching from a Certified Coach at an affordable rate

This could be the perfect group for you if you are

  • passionate about growing and learning
  • committed to your development as a coach and to your personal well-being
  • interested in using your strengths on a daily basis and/or organizing
  • eager to bond with like-minded colleagues and to form new alliances and friendships. 

Click here to sign up

Coaches: Accumulate hours toward being coached by a Certified Coach that you’ll need for certification as you experience and witness powerful coaching techniques you can use in your practice!

* Make progress on your goals and take action on your priorities by being accountable to your coach as well as to the group;

* Discover you’re not alone in facing challenges;

* Share wisdom, support, and experience in a safe and rich learning environment;

* Experience a safe place to be vulnerable: group members respect the confidentiality required for participation;

* Connect to a community of people seeking similar goals;

* Try out coaching without a major expenditure;

* Have fun as a group while moving forward! 

Click here to sign up


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