Do you need coaching but can’t afford individual coaching right now? 

Consider small group coaching – an affordable way to get the coaching you need!

Get coaching from a Certified Coach at an affordable rate

Coaches: Accumulate hours toward being coached by a Certified Coach that you’ll need for certification as you experience and witness powerful coaching techniques you can use in your practice!

* Make progress on your goals and take action on your priorities by being accountable to your coach as well as to the group;

* Discover you’re not alone in facing challenges;

* Share wisdom, support, and experience in a safe and rich learning environment;

* Experience a safe place to be vulnerable: group members respect the confidentiality required for participation;

* Connect to a community of people seeking similar goals;

* Try out coaching without a major expenditure;

* Have fun as a group while moving forward!

Groups can be two-five people – ideally three or four.  You can get people you’d like to be coached with, or I could facilitate forming a group for you.

Contact me and let’s create a way for you to get what you need at a price you can afford!


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