Welcome to Declutter Ebook with Coach Kathy Burnett & Vibrant Life Coaching!


Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials.

~ Lin Yutang 

Writer and Inventor




Read my chapter in this exciting new book:

Clutter Free and Clear:
Take Charge of Your Time and Space
A how-to book to simplify your life



I invite you to connect with me to create the life you really want: full of meaning, fun, and passion: a Vibrant Life!


What’s causing you pain, unhappiness, or just a sense of “there must be more”?  What in your life isn’t as great as you once imagined it would be?  My clients usually want   




h organization:

a decluttered home, office, computer, schedule 

h better health   h more motivation   

h better relationships  h more happiness  

h a rewarding job/career  h more fun  

h meaning & fulfillment    h peace of mind    

h zest for life






Coaching with me, you can discover the

most current ways to thrive ~~


² declutter

² create new and effective habits

² identify and use your strengths (the “real best you”) in every area of your life so you can be more organized, more effective, excel more easily, and be happier doing it

² improve your communication and relationships

² raise your overall sense of well-being

² increase your resilience to life’s challenges

² work with your own natural energy and strength to change

² engage your spirit

² identify what you most deeply want to be and do

² and have fun while you create the life you really want!  



Ready for passion? 

       You can live a Vibrant Life and I can help you get there!






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